role playing x everyone welcome
role playing x everyone welcome
welcome , i have decided to start a lord of the rings roleplay and would like everyone to join in. role playing is where you take the role of a character and act them out as if you are that person, here are some rules
1. dont be rude or leave people out i.e. dont forget about the new players that have joined the rule play and let them join in
2. if you are going away or leaving for a period of time please make your character do the same i.e. aragon chased the hideous creature deep into the forest unknowing of when or if he would to see the others again.
3. if you are using a character from the movies/books make sure there isnt another peron playing that character
4. if you are creating a new character dont make partner ties to current characters for example if there is a character playing legolas dont say you are legolas wife/girlfriend as the player might not want there character to have any ties to them another player
5. read all the other posts before joining in so you know what is currently happened
6. please be clear in what you write and make sure it makes sense and no text slang as some people may not understand. anything your character says please put in brackets i.e. "aragon i can hear something coming from the east" legolas stated getting closer to the edge trying to hear more
7. remember your races characteristics for example elfs have good hearing and sight and are more in touch with nature for example in heavy snow would easierly walk onto of it while others struggled on, they also are asked for help by others like what they can see or hear like when aragon asks what legolas elf eyes can see.
8. if you are coming into the roleplay add all your info first then post your plays motions ect for example dont appear from no where just say something like this .. frodo came running from the forest and dashed into the arms of aragon lookin for safety
9. and finally remember this is our roleplay and we are not copying of the the real lord of the rings and making up our own story
and know finally please post your characters information include..
characters name:
race (elf, dwalf, man..):
more info about character:
characters post:
thanks and remember everyone is new to this and everyone is welcome
please add your infomation below mine and after someone joins the roleplaying will begin
oh and one last note if you dont obey a rule or are unpleasent in any way i will ask you to leave my roleplay and if it presists i will report to administrater :) sorry but its for people to enjoy not to be bullied
1. dont be rude or leave people out i.e. dont forget about the new players that have joined the rule play and let them join in
2. if you are going away or leaving for a period of time please make your character do the same i.e. aragon chased the hideous creature deep into the forest unknowing of when or if he would to see the others again.
3. if you are using a character from the movies/books make sure there isnt another peron playing that character
4. if you are creating a new character dont make partner ties to current characters for example if there is a character playing legolas dont say you are legolas wife/girlfriend as the player might not want there character to have any ties to them another player
5. read all the other posts before joining in so you know what is currently happened
6. please be clear in what you write and make sure it makes sense and no text slang as some people may not understand. anything your character says please put in brackets i.e. "aragon i can hear something coming from the east" legolas stated getting closer to the edge trying to hear more
7. remember your races characteristics for example elfs have good hearing and sight and are more in touch with nature for example in heavy snow would easierly walk onto of it while others struggled on, they also are asked for help by others like what they can see or hear like when aragon asks what legolas elf eyes can see.
8. if you are coming into the roleplay add all your info first then post your plays motions ect for example dont appear from no where just say something like this .. frodo came running from the forest and dashed into the arms of aragon lookin for safety
9. and finally remember this is our roleplay and we are not copying of the the real lord of the rings and making up our own story
and know finally please post your characters information include..
characters name:
race (elf, dwalf, man..):
more info about character:
characters post:
thanks and remember everyone is new to this and everyone is welcome
please add your infomation below mine and after someone joins the roleplaying will begin
oh and one last note if you dont obey a rule or are unpleasent in any way i will ask you to leave my roleplay and if it presists i will report to administrater :) sorry but its for people to enjoy not to be bullied
Last edited by x-sam-x on Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
characters name: legolas
race (elf, dwalf, man..): elf
age: about 1000 - 2000 years old
more info about character: is seen as being young in terms of a elf , great eye sight and hearing and can sense when someone is approaching, is brillant when shooting arrows and never misses
characters past: prince of elves , does not get along with dwalfs because pastb goings on. single . no siblings
race (elf, dwalf, man..): elf
age: about 1000 - 2000 years old
more info about character: is seen as being young in terms of a elf , great eye sight and hearing and can sense when someone is approaching, is brillant when shooting arrows and never misses
characters past: prince of elves , does not get along with dwalfs because pastb goings on. single . no siblings
Name: Glalin son of Balin
Race: Dwarf
Age: 109
Character Info: A few years younger than Gimli. His uncle Gloin had a one of a kind weapon made for him before he went on his journey to aid his father in forming a dwarven colony in Moria. His weapon is a warhammer made of pure mythril never to break. He has the keen eye of a falcon as did his father who never let an enemy slip past him. A little tall for a dwarf..a good 7 cm taller in which hes rather proud of. Rough skin to bear weather of any sort. Dark eyes that conceal an even darker past. His underclothing is a deep red as his fathers. He wore usual dwarven armor(helmet, chest plate, etc.).
Character Past: Son of Balin. Nephew of Gloin. Cousin of Gimli. Single. No Siblings.
Race: Dwarf
Age: 109
Character Info: A few years younger than Gimli. His uncle Gloin had a one of a kind weapon made for him before he went on his journey to aid his father in forming a dwarven colony in Moria. His weapon is a warhammer made of pure mythril never to break. He has the keen eye of a falcon as did his father who never let an enemy slip past him. A little tall for a dwarf..a good 7 cm taller in which hes rather proud of. Rough skin to bear weather of any sort. Dark eyes that conceal an even darker past. His underclothing is a deep red as his fathers. He wore usual dwarven armor(helmet, chest plate, etc.).
Character Past: Son of Balin. Nephew of Gloin. Cousin of Gimli. Single. No Siblings.
Last edited by Khaoz87 on Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:46 am, edited 2 times in total.
Glalins Story
Born of the now deceased Balin. Escaped with only 3 elder dwarves from Moria after the orc attacks. They then made their way to Lorien seeking aid. They stayed the night and continued on their journey to an old friend. They continued onward to Mirkwood. They found a warm welcome from King Tharanduil father of Legolas. Though they might not have had such an easy time if his cousin was none other than Gimli son of Gloin. Tharanduil lets them rest from their long journey. When they awake they tell him of the accounts that took place in the mine. "It was I my father Balin, Floi, Loni, Frar, Nali, Oin (Gimlis Uncle), Ori and many others..we left the Lonely Mountain on an exhibition to start a colony in the ancient dwarven realm of Khazad-dum in search of mithril and also hoped to find the last of the seven dwarven rings." Thranduil looks on with a keen eye and poured more wine from Dorwinion which he was particularily fond of. After Glalin had his fill for the time being he conitinued."Where was i, Ah yes when we arrived at the East gate of Moria we were greeted by many orcs which we slay for a great time. We did not anticipate their being that many. We took up residence in the Twenty first Hall. My father set up his seat in the chamber of Mazarbul and was named Lord of Moria. We found much mithril in the caves and were attacked occasionally by orcs over the next 4 years but nothing us dwarves could not handle. But the fifth year...." Thranduil sees the pain in the young dwarves eyes." That fifth year we were beseiged by many hordes of orc. Dwarves were sent to access the situation a group to the west gate and a group to the east while my father stay in the chamber to hold it. The group to the west gate encountered a watcher and were swarmed by orcs. They perished..the east group which i was in was swarmed by countless orcs. I was sent to tell my father of the situation. When i returned they were already in battle. I fought my way in to my father hacking and smashing all that stood in my way! When i got to my father we both knew that this very much could be the end for both of us. He sent me with almost all of his army to try and make it out alive. We fought endless orcs. Many dwarves died that night. My father said to spend the night in Lorien and wait if he did not show then to accept he had fallen and make way to Mirkwood to heed you council." Tharanduil nods and pours more drink for the 4 dwarves and says"Im sorry for your loss Glalin son of Balin. You may make this your home until you have decided on your next endeavor." Glalin nods and thanks King Tharanduil for his hospitality and heads to his quarters with his companions.
Born of the now deceased Balin. Escaped with only 3 elder dwarves from Moria after the orc attacks. They then made their way to Lorien seeking aid. They stayed the night and continued on their journey to an old friend. They continued onward to Mirkwood. They found a warm welcome from King Tharanduil father of Legolas. Though they might not have had such an easy time if his cousin was none other than Gimli son of Gloin. Tharanduil lets them rest from their long journey. When they awake they tell him of the accounts that took place in the mine. "It was I my father Balin, Floi, Loni, Frar, Nali, Oin (Gimlis Uncle), Ori and many others..we left the Lonely Mountain on an exhibition to start a colony in the ancient dwarven realm of Khazad-dum in search of mithril and also hoped to find the last of the seven dwarven rings." Thranduil looks on with a keen eye and poured more wine from Dorwinion which he was particularily fond of. After Glalin had his fill for the time being he conitinued."Where was i, Ah yes when we arrived at the East gate of Moria we were greeted by many orcs which we slay for a great time. We did not anticipate their being that many. We took up residence in the Twenty first Hall. My father set up his seat in the chamber of Mazarbul and was named Lord of Moria. We found much mithril in the caves and were attacked occasionally by orcs over the next 4 years but nothing us dwarves could not handle. But the fifth year...." Thranduil sees the pain in the young dwarves eyes." That fifth year we were beseiged by many hordes of orc. Dwarves were sent to access the situation a group to the west gate and a group to the east while my father stay in the chamber to hold it. The group to the west gate encountered a watcher and were swarmed by orcs. They perished..the east group which i was in was swarmed by countless orcs. I was sent to tell my father of the situation. When i returned they were already in battle. I fought my way in to my father hacking and smashing all that stood in my way! When i got to my father we both knew that this very much could be the end for both of us. He sent me with almost all of his army to try and make it out alive. We fought endless orcs. Many dwarves died that night. My father said to spend the night in Lorien and wait if he did not show then to accept he had fallen and make way to Mirkwood to heed you council." Tharanduil nods and pours more drink for the 4 dwarves and says"Im sorry for your loss Glalin son of Balin. You may make this your home until you have decided on your next endeavor." Glalin nods and thanks King Tharanduil for his hospitality and heads to his quarters with his companions.
legolas was listerning to his father and the dwalfs conversation from afar with his powerful elf ears , he was sat ontop of a hill looking around for any sign of trouble as none had come his way for many years and he wasnt one to sit around and enjoy the peace. King Tharanduil his father aproached him soon after his chat with Galin and sat beside him "the dwafs' have many troubles that i am not sure they will be able to fight alone " his father said. "may i have your permission to go alone and help? i am no good here while trouble is stirring " he asked willing for the answer to be yes, he of course was going to go but would rather let his father have the sense of feeling that he had made the desision. Then to his surprise his father replyed "there will be a concils meeting later and i will allow you to put forward your willingness to help galin, we will have to wait for the others to decide on what to do but i sense a great war in the future, one in which you will be greatly needed, you may go and ask for permission to join galin and help him before the meeting if you wish".
hearing this legolas got up from the hill and started to slide with great ease down towards galin and the others head quarters to discuss further plans,
hearing this legolas got up from the hill and started to slide with great ease down towards galin and the others head quarters to discuss further plans,
Glalin notices Legolas out of the corner of his eye and stop to greet the young elven prince. Legolas explains the situation and that he wants to travel with Glalin though they are not sure what route they wish to take. "Well young prince..It is ok with I as long as your father approves." King Tharanduil nods from afar." Well then young prince i greatly appreciate will be more of a challenge now though..ive talked to the dwarven elders and they are embarking tomorrow morning to lonely mountain to heed our council of our misfortune." "Let us rest and speak of this more tomorrow at the council meeting". The next day Glalin awakes to Legolas outside his quarters it seems he hasnt slept.."look at the time, we must head to the council or we shall be late." Glalin follows Legolas to the Elven Council.
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- Joined: Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:32 am
Name: Arya
Race: Elf
Age: 1000 years old
Character info: Has two Half Hand swords, a Bow.Her Mother is Galadriel.She is also a Friend of Arwen.She is very wise for her age. She has very good hearing and sight, as all elves do. She has long straight black hair, fair skin and wears a lot of browns and greens And is Tall and skinny. And is a very good warrior. And is very Beautiful.
Character past: Has one Sister Celebrian, and three brothers, two of her brothers are older than her. Aldrain,Caldriel and then little Anaul. Caldriel is her older twin brother. and She is very overprotective of Anaul sometimes a little to much, which Anaul doesn't like.
Race: Elf
Age: 1000 years old
Character info: Has two Half Hand swords, a Bow.Her Mother is Galadriel.She is also a Friend of Arwen.She is very wise for her age. She has very good hearing and sight, as all elves do. She has long straight black hair, fair skin and wears a lot of browns and greens And is Tall and skinny. And is a very good warrior. And is very Beautiful.
Character past: Has one Sister Celebrian, and three brothers, two of her brothers are older than her. Aldrain,Caldriel and then little Anaul. Caldriel is her older twin brother. and She is very overprotective of Anaul sometimes a little to much, which Anaul doesn't like.
Last edited by LOTRFan997 on Sat Jul 25, 2009 7:02 am, edited 2 times in total.
On their way to the Elven Council Glalin and Legolas spot an unfamiliar face in the woods of Mirkwood though none stranger than Glalin himself..a young female elf..they approach her and introduce themselves.."I am Glalin son of Balin of the Lonely Mountains"says the dwarf and Legolas introduces himself accordingly. They come to find out that this young female elf is none other than Arya daughter of Queen Galadriel of Lorien."Oh my please accept my apology i did not know i was in the presence of such royalty" Glalin bows humbly. In his mind he wonders if she had followed him and his company from Lorien or if she was sent by the Queen herself. Though none of this is certain and is only an assumption of the Dwarves pondering mind.
- Posts: 1590
- Joined: Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:32 am
- Posts: 1590
- Joined: Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:32 am
- Posts: 1590
- Joined: Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:32 am
" How long have you been here Glalin?I was trying to get here as fast as i could so i wouldn't miss you if you left." she slowed down to walk beside the dwarf. " And where are we going? My mother only said to go with you, so i know not of what you and Legolas are doing." she was a little bit in the front now. and she sighs and thought no one would hear her when she said. "Why!Why is my brother sick. he is a fool for going to a battle with out me or Caldrien." and a single tear came down her beautiful face. And then it was gone.
"Ah i have only just arrived..and we are not yet sure which direction we are headed. The elders ive arrived with are headed to Lonely Mountain to tell the others of the happenings in Moria but for now nothing is certain. We are going to heed the council of their wisdom as to what we should do. Unless something of greater importance comes up." Glalin say..but as he finishes he catches a quick gleam off the princess's cheek. "What is wrong Princess Arya?" Glalin asks while putting his pipe away.
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