Lisa Filipek is Racist

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Lisa Filipek is Racist

Post by Data44 »

Lisa Filipek is a racist. She regularly attends comic cons and sci fi conventions. Lisa cosplayed as Arwen in a recent event. She screamed at a Native American couple who was passing by. Lisa yelled that they were "redskins" and "tomohawk people." She told them to "go back to their country" which is very insulting considering it was in the US. This is the second time I saw Lisa Filipek doing the sort of thing. Apparently, she's a fan of LOTR, and she might even be on this website. If you see Lisa, please be cautious. This is a photograph of Lisa Filipek:
Filipek Photo Soil.jpg
Filipek Photo Soil.jpg (152.95 KiB) Viewed 14695 times
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