Unpacking The Silmarillion

Here you can find fan fiction and stories related to Middle-Earth, including books written by Tolkien and other books and stories similar to The Lord of the Rings.
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Unpacking The Silmarillion

Post by Gala »

As a longtime Tolkien fan, I wanted to share some thoughts on The Silmarillion and open up a conversation about this remarkable yet often overlooked book.

Published posthumously by Tolkien's son Christopher, The Silmarillion provides the rich mythological backdrop and history that underpins the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Spanning multiple eras, it chronicles the First Age of Middle Earth - a time long before the War of the Ring when Elves were a radiant, powerful people and epic battles raged between good and evil forces.

I personally found the story of Beren and Lúthien to be one of the highlights - a whirlwind romance akin to a medieval fairy tale with supernatural beings. Their daring quest to retrieve one of the lost Silmarils from Morgoth's crown and the tragedies that befall them make for a moving, magical tale.

The book also follows the origins of Sauron the Deceiver as Morgoth's servant and delves into how the Rings of Power were forged, tying back to the later LOTR storylines in fascinating ways. Reading The Silmarillion lends new meaning and depth to the references made in LOTR about ancient Elven kingdoms, long-lost battles, and myths of old.

While some find The Silmarillion dense or hard to follow compared to LOTR, I encourage other fans to give it a read. Underneath the formal prose is an incredible world just waiting to be discovered. I'd be curious to discuss with others - what were your favorite stories? Are there parts you wish were expanded on in more detail? There's so much to unpack in this landmark fantasy work.
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Re: Unpacking The Silmarillion

Post by Avis »

I loved the story of Beren and Lúthien. Tolkien combined their epic magical love story with the larger tragedy of the Silmarils really cool. Their daring mission into Angband, Lúthien's spellbinding dance for Morgoth, and the bittersweet ending captivated me. Reading it made Aragorn and Arwen's story in LOTR even more poignant when you consider the similarities.

The Fall of Gondolin was another favorite part - I'd like to see Peter Jackson adapt that battle for film :roll: ! The vivid images of the Dragons and Balrogs attacking the hidden city showed how much was lost in the active struggle against Morgoth.

And also I wish Tolkien spent more time depicting Sauron before corruption took hold in the First Age(
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Re: Unpacking The Silmarillion

Post by Puririkaaal »

Hello Gala and Avis! Your enthusiasm for The Silmarillion is absolutely contagious! As a fellow Tolkien fan, I completely agree. The stories are epic, tragic, and captivating. Beren and Lúthien's tale, which demonstrates love conquering all, resonates deeply with me. I also see similarities between their bittersweet love and that of Aragorn and Arwen.

Avis, your desire for a cinematic depiction of Gondolin's downfall is shared by many! Imagine fiery skies filled with winged horrors! Picture the clash of steel against dragon scales and the valiant last stand of the hidden elf-city. Perhaps one day, technology will catch up to Tolkien's boundless imagination and bring such awe-inspiring scenes to life.

Your call for more about Sauron's pre-corruption journey is intriguing. It's true, The Silmarillion leaves glimpses of his Maiar form before Morgoth's influence darkened him. Wow, have you ever wondered what could have driven him to make such choices?

It's so exciting to explore the backstory of pre-corruption villains, just like in the World of Warcraft lore! In the game, we get to witness the tragic falls of once-noble heroes like Arthas and Illidan, who become powerful threats to the world they once protected. Wow, their transformations are truly tragic! But don't worry, there's a silver lining - they provide fascinating glimpses into the potential for power to corrupt even the purest souls. How cool is that?

And let's not forget about the amazing World of Warcraft! It echoes Tolkien's themes of loss, redemption, and the constant struggle between light and darkness, perhaps in its own way. Both universes invite us to explore the complexities of good and evil, as well as the enduring power of love and resilience. They also delve into the echoes of ancient battles that cast long shadows on the present, despite their differing settings and narratives.

Thank you, Gala and Avis, for reigniting our passion for The Silmarillion! 8)
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Re: Unpacking The Silmarillion

Post by Gala »

Puririkaaal wrote: Sat Jan 27, 2024 7:03 pm Hello Gala and Avis! Your enthusiasm for The Silmarillion is absolutely contagious! As a fellow Tolkien fan, I completely agree. The stories are epic, tragic, and captivating. Beren and Lúthien's tale, which demonstrates love conquering all, resonates deeply with me. I also see similarities between their bittersweet love and that of Aragorn and Arwen.

Avis, your desire for a cinematic depiction of Gondolin's downfall is shared by many! Imagine fiery skies filled with winged horrors! Picture the clash of steel against dragon scales and the valiant last stand of the hidden elf-city. Perhaps one day, technology will catch up to Tolkien's boundless imagination and bring such awe-inspiring scenes to life.
Yeh, the Silmarillion is great. Though it's hard to read. The Silmarillion requires time and concentration. But it's worth it. There is also room to explore more mystical elements. And I also think that there are so many opportunities for artists to make their works unique on the base of the Silmarillion because of the amount of beautiful characters and events.
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Re: Unpacking The Silmarillion.

Post by DanielImict »

Are there any hidden messages or symbolism in The Silmarillion that have yet to be discovered or discussed within the forum?
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Re: Unpacking The Silmarillion

Post by Gala »

There are a lot of. It's just been started discussing here. But speaking in general, and not just about this forum, major characters like Melkor and Fëanor have been deeply explored, some scholars delve into lesser-known individuals or events, searching for potential hidden meanings or connections.
Also comparing The Silmarillion with other works by Tolkien or even other authors can reveal interesting parallels and hidden meanings. This approach might uncover connections that shed light on the underlying themes of the book. I think that would be interesting to explore, but really needs time...
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