What Do You Think Of The Movies?

Here you may discuss interesting facts about The Lord of the Rings movies including, including the difference between the books and the film adaptation.

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What Do You Think Of The Movies?

Post by Zacchatack »

I find the first one o.k. but the second movie towers over all of them.
The third one is good but it`s all in Mordor and Gondor and personally I prefer when its at different places than just Gondor and Mordor.
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Post by Sadriendra »

Dear Zacchatack,

I like all of them and the second and third the most. And the reason, why in the third movie takes place in Mordor and Gondor is simply because it's mostly what is written in the book.
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Post by ValadhielofImladris »

When is the movie suppose to come out? i can't wait to see it.

- Valadhiel - :)
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Post by Ikera »

Hey, every movie totally rocked!

yes, it was different from the books and focused on some places a little too much, but then again, we must understand that this is a six-book series and you can't exactly do evrything word for word from the book. Peter Jackson did a great job on it - I don't think anyone could possibly remake the Lord of the Rings Trilogy....

So in truth, i loved each movie for what it showed, and that is why I'm such a fan. :D
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Post by hallerd »

I like all 3 personally each got great Academy Awards and are worth the watch of special features and the movie itself great dicussion :D
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Post by samirta »

i totally loved the movies so far but i only watched the first two and cant wait to watch the next!!!
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