did you know that there is another really cool lotr forum out there it is like a bagilion time better than this one. (no offence to the creaters of this forum).
LOTRFan997 could you repost that last reply onto this post and just continue on here, something wrong with my computer or maybe it has virus so computer blocking it
(i cant remember what's happened have we ran away yet?)
legolas starred around in the cave "that's why we should have brought a wizard they always have lights on them" he smiled in the darkness
"yeah am sure they could look after us in here as well" Sam said nervous
"thats what am here for don't worry "
Age: Unknown(looks about thirty probably younger though)
Background: Little is know about Bartolomeo, he's a direct descendant of Ludacris a Wanderlust King, a travelling knight of old. His father though, was a Pirate, famous for his two pistols(one of the finest and first to be made[made in the east]). Bartolomeo is fond of Hobbits, and adventurers. Hes dressed in spider silk that has been dyed black and gold, with a tough leather cloak and a worn out looking hat. Hes armed with his fathers pistols and a interesting looking Cutlass as his main weapons. His pack is nearly empty, except a big bundle of rope and a crude looking sickle attached to a mythril chain.
Bartolomeo's Story: Bartolomeo had been doing a favor for a friend in the caves and had got himself lost. Hes been in the caves for three days, he had heard some yelling and had been making his way toward the sound. When he stumbled upon the group.
Bartolomeo quickly glanced at the Hobbits, he relaxed and slowly lowered his guns.
"DO you know how to get out of this hell hole?" asked Bartolomeo.
(hmm okay, im looking forward to collaborating with you two. Would you mind giving me the run down of whats happened so far? Ive read the first page and the last three.)
(well lots has happened and many players have stopped coming but in a quick version their has been a gem found that has the power to bring back sauron so they must destroy the gem in the fire were the ring was set, i play legolas and the other player plays arya, legolas had to call apon so old friends to help him out, in the cave in sam, frodo legolas and arya, legolas horse is also their. while aryas brother anaul, finrod who is legolas good friend and helps run mirkwood while hes away, gimli and aragon as well as a few other characters all have legolas and aragons army down the bottom about to draw out the arm so they can get in quick enough to put the gem into the fire ) haha sorry its as long but thats as quick as i could make it lol
"who are you " legolas said starring at the man and lowering his bow.
"that way " frodo pointed behind him then looked around to see that they also were lost
"Im Bartolomeo, and if im not mistaken you are lost too, I came in from a hole in the roof a while back their and I do not think we could get up it again" He said thoughtfully.
"you have gotten us lost ?" sam said looking at legolas "what a fine king you are, i thought as an elf you would be good at directions"
"you care to lead us ot master hobbit" legolas said looking annoyed at sam
(legolas father died a while back making legolas king)