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Here you can come with tips to Lord of the Rings Fantasy World (any questions, suggestions are welcome)

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Post by Paedha »

By the end of the third day Paedha had made great speed and had come to the Falls. He would have to continue by foot again.

On the fourth day since leaving Mirkwood Paedha entered the realm of Gondor. Before nightfall he came acroos a battlefield.. It was a hasty battle as none of the dead had been buried. Orcs and trolls slayed everywhere. And amongst them were men of gondor. Tracks lead off south. Paedha was disturbed as the tracks were those of orcs.. Random and reckless trails.
maybe 30 strong...

When nightfall came he came to a crest and decided to rest. Then he saw in the distance a camp fire.. Hoping to find the orc band he was following or maybe find Men of Gondor he tracked on towards the light./..

As midnight came the wind became strong from the North.. Not long after this the camp fire he had seen was gone. He decided to wait till morning to try pick the trail up again.

Just after dawn Paedha found the orc tracks again.. There was a smoke rising up ahead. Befor long he could see a great burning and men of Gondor burying their dead. The men saw Paedha from afar but did not seem disturbed by this and went about there business.

He came to their Captain. A tall broad man.
"I am Paedha. I bring news from the north and seek council with your King.'"
"I am Thelion. Council you will have with me first befor i grant you to the King".

Paedha told the Thelion of the pending wars in the north and the armies at our doors.
"Your council is late. We are already at war!" Thelion cried.
"Orc bands are running everywhere. We cannot hold them all back. I am retreating back to Minas Tirith with whats left of my brigade. You will come with us and the king will decide your fate".

Paedha agreed to Thelion's term and they headed for the white city. The men we're all quiet and maybe 50 strong at best. They had long been patrolling the northern borders. Had war already come to Gondor???????
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Post by x-sam-x »

Not long after they travelled to gondor lead by Arya and legolas. When they got to gondor half the orcs had been killed and the castle seemed much emptier than usual.
"it seems that many have fought and escaped however there is still 50 orcs left, you lead half the men to the right of the orcs i will lead half to the left we shall meet in the middle" legolas said to Arya
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Post by LOTRFan997 »

She nods and rides with her half to the right of the orcs while Legolas does the same with his to the left.

(Sorry i would've been on earlier but i was helping my mom watch a baby.)
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Post by x-sam-x »

"charge " legolas shouts as they run into the orcs killing them, he couldnt see anything but orcs around him but he could hear shouting and screaming coming from all around
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Post by LOTRFan997 »

She saw tons of orcs fall and some warriors, as she killed orcs after orcs...

Anaul and Canon where talking back in lorien. "Man this place is amazing.." Canon said as they went on walking. Anaul kepted saying things about stuff they pasted. "Come on i have to show you where i was born.." Anaul said.
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Post by x-sam-x »

"stay strong do it for your king " legolas shouted killing more orcs . he was coming close to the middle they had almost defeated the orcs.

(should one of them get shoot in the shoulder or something to make it more interesting ?)
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Post by LOTRFan997 »

(I was just thinking about that..yea but who?)
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Post by x-sam-x »

(legolas has already been injured at the very beginning arya can if you like)
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Post by LOTRFan997 »

(Arya has been injured too..what about Haldir?)
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Post by x-sam-x »

(i think arya because her brothers are back at home and could really panic and her older brother didnt want her to go either so could be like told you should have gone ect...)
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Post by LOTRFan997 »

(Ok but how does she get hurt? by an arrow,or a blade? i would do a arrow maybe..)
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Post by x-sam-x »

(what ever you like its up to you )

legolas finally got in the middle he could see arya not far in frount of him still fighting
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Post by LOTRFan997 »


Arya was fighting, and didn't noticed a orc pull out an posions arrow and aimed at her. he shot it and it hit her... She screamed in pain for the posion burned crazy and fell off her horse...
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Post by x-sam-x »

"arya no!" legolas cried jumping off his horse
he shot down the orc that shot her and put her onto his horse and cllimbed on.
"Haldir i must get arya back can you finish for me "
"yes sir " Haldir shouted carrying on killing.
"your going to be ok arya"
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Post by LOTRFan997 »

Anaul and canon were walking when Anaul felt pain in his side and he stoped. Canon looked back and said. "What's wrong?" "My side hurts i think Arya got hurt come on. we have to tell Aldrain." He said as they ran to go find Aldrain.
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