Major Review Works
- Atti del Tolk-Con, Il A Speculation on The Silmarillion. Jim Allan. Privately published by the author, 1975. (A revised edition of An extrapolation on The Silmarillion, A Tolkien Society Publication.)
- Digging Potatoes, Growing Trees: A Selection from 25 Years of Speeches at the Tolkien Society’s Annual Dinners. Vol. 1, ed. Helen Armstrong. The Tolkien Society, Swindon, 1997.
- Strategies of Fantasy. Brian Attebery. Indiana University Press, 1992. [Contains chapter ‘Is Fantasy Literature?: Tolkien and the Theorists’.]
- The Tolkien Scrapbook. Ed. Alida Becker. Running Press, Philadelphia, 1978. Reprinted as The Tolkien Treasury, Courage Books, Running Press, 1989. A Tolkien Thesaurus. Richard E. Blackwelder. Garland Publishing, New York, 1990.
- Tolkien: A Biography. Humphrey Carpenter. Allen and Unwin, London, 1977. Tolkien and his Literary Resonances: Views of Middle-earth. Ed. George Clark and Daniel Timmons. Greenwood Press, Westport, CN, 2000. [Forthcoming]
- A-Z of Tolkien. David Day. Mitchell Beazley, London, 1993; rpt. Chancellor Press, London, 1996. [Text rpt. from The Tolkien Bestiary and The Tolkien Encyclopedia.]
- A Tolkien Bestiary. David Day. Mitchell Beazley, London, 1979.
- Tolkien: The Illustrated Encyclopedia. David Day. Mitchell Beazley, London, 1991.
- J.R.R. Tolkien: A Descriptive Bibliography. Wayne G. Hammond with the assistance of Douglas A. Anderson. St. Paul’s Bibliographies, Winchester, 1993.
- The Atlas of Middle-earth. Karen Wynn Fonstad. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1981; revised edition, Houghton Mifflin, 1992; HarperCollins, London, 1992.
- Tolkien and the Critics. Ed. Neil D. Isaacs and Rose A. Zimbardo. University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame and London, 1968.
- Tolkien: New Critical Perspectives. Ed. Neil D. Isaacs and Rose A. Zimbardo. The University Press of Kentucky, 1981.
- A Tolkien Bibliography 1911-1980: Writings by and Literary work of J.R.R. Tolkien. A The Individuated Hobbit: Jung, Tolkien and the Archetypes of Middle-earth. Timothy R. O’Neill. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1979; Thames and Hudson, London, 1979.
- Of Orc-Rags, Phials & A Far Shore: Visions of Paradise in The Lord of the Rings. Bruce Palmer. T-K Graphics, Baltimore, 1976.
- J.R.R. Tolkien: Life and Legend. An Exhibition to Commemorate the Centenary of the Birth of J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973). Illustrated catalogue compiled by Judith Priestman. Bodleian Library, Oxford, 1992.
- Lord of the Elves and Eldils: Fantasy and Philosophy in C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. Richard L. Purtill. Zondervan Publishing, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1974.
- The Politics of Fantasy: C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. Lee D. Rossi. UMI Research Press, Ann Arbor, 1984.
- Modern Heroism: Essays on D.H. Lawrence, William Empson, and J.R.R. Tolkien. Roger Sale. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1973.
- J.R.R. Tolkien, Scholar and Storyteller: Essays In Memoriam. Ed. Mary Salu and Robert T. Farrell. Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 1979.
- The Road to Middle-Earth. T.A. Shippey. Allen and Unwin, London, 1982; new edition, Grafton, HarperCollins, London, 1992.
- Leaves from the Tree: J.R.R. Tolkien’s Shorter Fiction. The 4th Tolkien Society Workshop. T.A. Shippey et al. The Tolkien Society, London, 1991.
- The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien: A brief account of the book and its making. Christopher Tolkien. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1977. The Tolkien Family Album. John and Priscilla Tolkien. HarperCollins, London, 1992.
- The Making of The Lord of the Rings. Rayner Unwin. Willem A. Meeuws, Oxford, 1992.
Foreign Review Works - Crisobollo – Volume Speciale 1992. (Ed.) Henry Paul Vesper-Raum. Sanremo, Italy, 1996.
- Tolkien and the Spirit of the Age. Ed. Renee Vink. Tolkien Genootschap “Unquendor”, Leiden, 1987. Tolkien: Herdenkingsnummer van LEMBAS. Renee Vink et al. Uitgeverij Sirius en Siderius, Den Haag, 1983.
- J.R.R. Tolkien – Powiernik Piesni. Michal Blazejewski. Phantom Press, 1993. Scholarship & Fantasy: Proceedings of The Tolkien Phenomenon, May 1992, Turku, Finland. Ed. K.J. Battarbee. University of Turku, Turku, Finland, 1993.
- Mir Tolkina: Spravochnik. Nadezhda Chertkova. Gil-Estel, Moscow, 1992.
- Il mondo di J.R.R. TOLKIEN negli EX LIBRIS. (Pref.) Roberto Genovesi, (Intro.) Remo Palmirani. Keltia Editrice, Aosta, 1992.
- Gyaluforgacs. Arpad Goncz. Pesti Szalon Konyvkiado, Budapest, 1991.
- Tolkien en France. Ed. by Edouard J. Kloczko. A.R.D.A., 1998. Die Inklings-Bibliothek: Systematischer Katalog der Spezialsammlung zu G.K. Chesterton, C.S. Lewis, George MacDonald, Dorothy L. Sayers, J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams. Gisbert Kranz. Ersten Deutschen Fantasy Club, Passau, 1992.
- Handbuch der Weisen von Mittelerde. Wolfgang Krege. Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart, 1996. J.R.R. Tolkien: Recepcja Polska: Studia i eseje. Ed. Jakub Z. Lichanski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warsaw, 1996.
- La Spada e il labirinto: meraviglioso e fantastico ne ‘Il signore degli anelli’. Marco Paggi. Edizioni Culturali Internazionali Genova, Genova, 1990.
- Tolkiens Arv. Ake Ohlmarks. Bokforlaget PLUS, Stockholm, 1978. J.R.R. Tolkien: Fantasy Literature als Wunscherfullung und Weltdeutung. Dieter Petzold. Carl Winter Universitatsverlag, Heidelberg, 1980. Tam a Zase zpatky: There and Back Again. Jan Vaclavik. Privately published, 1996.
- J.R.R. Tolkien 1892-1992. Johan Vanhecke. Stadsbibliothek en het Archief en Museum voor het Vlaamse Culturleven, Antwerp, 1992.
- De Mijnen van Moria: essays over J.R.R. Tolkien. Johan Vanhecke et al. EXA, Uitgave, 1983.
- Hobbits in Holland: Leven en Werk van J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973). Rene van Rossenberg. Koninklijke Bibliothek, Den Haag, 1992.
- Elrond’s Holy Round Table: Essays on Tolkien, Sayers and the Arthur Saga. (Ed.) Rene van Rossenberg. Lembas Extra 1990, An Unquendor Publication, Tolkienwinkel, The Netherlands, 1990.
- Motieven in Midden-aarde: Essays over Tolkien en fantasy. (Ed.) Rene van Rossenberg. Lembas-extra 1988, Een Unquendor uitgave, Tolkien Winkel, 1988. Atti del Tolk-Con, Il Crisobollo – Volume Speciale 1992. (Ed.) Henry Paul Vesper-Raum. Sanremo, Italy, 1996.
- Tolkien and the Spirit of the Age. Ed. Renee Vink. Tolkien Genootschap “Unquendor”, Leiden, 1987. Tolkien: Herdenkingsnummer van LEMBAS. Renee Vink et al. Uitgeverij Sirius en Siderius, Den Haag, 1983.
- A Glossary of the Eldarin Tongues. James D. Allan. Privately published by the author, 1972.
- An Introduction to Elvish. Ed. and compiled by Jim Allan. Bran’s Head Books, Hayes, Middlesex, 1978.
- From the Outside: The Middle Earth Poems of Matthew Anish. Ill. L. Applebaum, 1994.
- The Song of Middle-earth: J.R.R. Tolkien’s Themes, Symbols and Myths. David Harvey. Allen and Unwin, London, 1981.
- Tolkien: His Language. A Guide to Quenya. George Horton. Privately published by the author, 1997.
- A Tolkien Compass. Ed. Jared Lobdell. Open Court Publishing, La Salle, Illinois, 1975; Ballantine Books, New York, 1980. (This contains Tolkien’s own “Guide to the names in The Lord of the Rings”.)
- The Middle-earth Songbook. Ken Nahigian. Privately published, 1976 The Languages of Tolkien’s Middle-earth. Ruth S. Noel. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1980. (Revised edition of The Languages of Middle-earth, 1974.)
- The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit: Notes. William Ready. Coles Notes, Coles Publishing Co., Toronto, 1971.
- J.R.R. Tolkien: The Hobbit. Notes by Geoffrey Ridden. York Notes; York Press, Beirut and Longman Group, Harlow, 1981.