"There... he should be fine now.He will still have lots of pain but it will fade.."The healer said after he got the posion out of Canon. "Now I'll do Legolas.."
"Arya I'm calm now can we go in i want to see Canon.." "Alright but if i see you geting pale again i'm going to pull you out of there." They went in..
canon sat up in his. "argh that really hurts legolas legolas. why isnt he specking " canon started to panic looking over at legolas how wasnt moving as was going really pale
"Calm down the healer will be done with him in a little bit.." Haldir said in a soft tone. "Canon!" Anaul said "your not dead thank goodness!" Anaul ran over to Canon and hugged him. "Ok i'm done he almost didn't make it but i think he will be alright." the healer said done with Legolas..
legolas was still in pain and couldnt open his eyes or even make any noise.
"oh my legolas tried to save me it was my fault i..i. i shouldnt have ..." canon started to cry
"Canon it wasn't your fault!" Arya said hugging him as he cried. "Arya is right, It wasn't your fault.. it was those stupid Nazguls.." Anaul said. tring to make Canon feel better..
"it was me a rode straight in frount of them and legolas push me away and went to get stabbed instead of me.. he.. he tried to save my life.. hes always told me the first stab of a knife is always the worst. i cant believe he would risk his own life for me and hes a king hes more important" canon said still sobbing
The healer looks at Legolas "he should be fine like you are ...unless.." "Unless what?" Haldir asked. "well it's hard, it could be that some of the posion went down deep into his blood or.....What did the knife look like Canon?"
"yes but it was black when it stabbed legolas then the colour seemed to go i cant really remember what colour it was when it stabbe me i think it was grey"canon said very worried
"Hmm.. It can't be a knife that makes someone who's been stabbed turns into a wraith..for the knife would be black with a white tip.." The Healer mutter..