"arya is was wondering if... canon!" legolas shouted as halfway through a sentence
"i am sorry legolas and arya i shouldnt have blamed you "
"we have sorted things out now, you can go play with anaul if you like" mai said
"ok thanks " canon replied
"erm nothing it doesnt matter " legolas said going red
mai puched legolas with her shoulder "you idiot" she laughed as she walked past "should we head back then before your kingdom has a riot" legolas laughed
"your a idiot you" mai said
"hey well ... you dont even know what i was going to say"
mai winked " yes i do "
"so hows you and canon now"
"hes fine now " she said walking and talking into the dinner hall
"Lily I'm back!" Arya yelled as she went into her room. "What took you so long?" "Well sorry miss-wants everything done super fast!Now come on we have to go meet up With Den." "Alright alright." Lily said as they walked to the Dinner Hall.
mai and legolas sat down in the hall waiting for everyone else.
"finrod will kill me" mai said
"he wont and i wouldnt let him hes been dieing to tell him for weeks now anyway but he kept backing out"
"no not yet i think there on there way " legolas said "there all up to something "
"yes i know "
"oh and dont bother to tell your good friend legolas "
"no you will have to watch and listern to find out " she said with a smile
"hello " legolas said
"am not reading there thoughts" she laughed
"you liar oh this is mai canons mother shes a bit special so i am sorry if she rudely reads you mind or anything "
"dont listern to him i wont"