"finrod you stay here i will go over the tree over there so if they get to close i can lead them away " legolas said in a whisper
"ok be careful" finrod said getting out his bow
Legolas climbed into the other tree lowered him self down to get a better view
"theres lots of orcs there" finrod said looking over
"there coming this way they will find her " she mouthed over to legolas
"oh god arya we wont let them get you " canon said moving closer to her
legolas dropped to the floor and started shouting the orcs
"what an idiot whats he doing " finrod said
the orcs came running over and legolas started to run to lead them away
"they were going to find you so he had to change the chain of events your safe now " mai said
"what about legolas " canon asked
"i dont know "
"well looks like its up to me to go save him again" finrod said with a laugh "i always do "
"Little one asked Mai if they were coming just for you or both of us?" "Ok" "Mai Glaidr wants to know if they were just coming after me or both of us?"
"i am not certain they could not control the dragon and they have a dragon of there own so i goes just you " mai said
legolas and finrod jumped up
"gosh that was fun" legolas said out of breath
"no not fun scary, you nearly got us killed" finrod said as they climbed up onto the platform
"i ran over near the river and legolas ran in front and then we just double backed as they have lost our scent now"
"yes and they were right behind me " finrod said
"i would have been fine on my own you just love the fun of it " legolas laughed patting him on his back