so, after we had the favourite character i´d like to know who´s your least favourite character.
to me it is denethor and frodo denethor because he wants to kill faramir and always treats him badly. frodo because at weathertop he lets his friends down and flees while the others try to defend him.
Hard to say, many could be named. Saruman would be at the top, but Denethor also. However, Denethor suffered from mental anguish and was not in his right mind. Saruman sold himself out to the ways of evil after promoting the ways of good all his life. So I guess I have to say Saruman. I also didn't like the limping, lumpy faced orc that practically cost Faramir his life at Osgiliath. Looked like a giant booger..........
Okay i know that people gonna hate me for this but i say Arwen. She is so irritatingly passive and not really you know DO anything. Aragorn would been better of with Eowyn who is strong woman who decides her own faith. She said to Aragorn that most of all she is afraid of cage. But Arwen lives in a cage happily and doesn't even know it. I don't hate her but she is victim of bad times and don't do anything to make things better.
Collapse wrote:Okay i know that people gonna hate me for this but i say Arwen. She is so irritatingly passive and not really you know DO anything. Aragorn would been better of with Eowyn who is strong woman who decides her own faith. She said to Aragorn that most of all she is afraid of cage. But Arwen lives in a cage happily and doesn't even know it. I don't hate her but she is victim of bad times and don't do anything to make things better.
Hey, how can you talk like that about Arwen? After all, she didn't go to the Undying Lands so that she could be with Aragorn!!!
I don't like Saruman because he betrayed wizards and Denethor cause he is an aweful father and king!!!
Tawariel wrote:so, after we had the favourite character i´d like to know who´s your least favourite character.
to me it is denethor and frodo denethor because he wants to kill faramir and always treats him badly. frodo because at weathertop he lets his friends down and flees while the others try to defend him.
I don't want to be rude (i hope u don't take it i was trying to be rude cause i wasn't!)but just because he kinda let his friends down, HE did save middle earth for crying out loud!!!Just because he had a couple of mess up he's bad!?everbody isn't like an elf where your the best thing there is!The person i would pick least is Gollum cause he's just evil, he wasn't at first before the ring got him.
Denethor would be on the top! He is so mean to Faramir, even if Faramir is so brave! Crima wormtongue has taken the second place, and some will not like what im saying, but i dont like Eowyn either. I dont hate her, i just think she is a bit weird. She loves Aragorn and then she marries Faramir. Somehow i dont think its realy fear to Faramir. Still that doesnt take away the fact that she is a brave and strong woman.
Legolas& wrote:Denethor would be on the top! He is so mean to Faramir, even if Faramir is so brave! Crima wormtongue has taken the second place, and some will not like what im saying, but i dont like Eowyn either. I dont hate her, i just think she is a bit weird. She loves Aragorn and then she marries Faramir. Somehow i dont think its realy fear to Faramir. Still that doesnt take away the fact that she is a brave and strong woman.
I agree!
Denethor also didn't wan't to call for help, but when they did...and Rohan didn't come just as the war started, he blaimed it all on Rohan!
And Eowyn is not fair to Faramir! She loves Aragorn, but still she marries Faramir! But she is kind of cool to, because she fight and ride like a man! And are so brave!
Collapse wrote:Okay i know that people gonna hate me for this but i say Arwen. She is so irritatingly passive and not really you know DO anything. Aragorn would been better of with Eowyn who is strong woman who decides her own faith. She said to Aragorn that most of all she is afraid of cage. But Arwen lives in a cage happily and doesn't even know it. I don't hate her but she is victim of bad times and don't do anything to make things better.
Arwen does NOT live in a cage! She is free! And she is not a victim! She didn't even leav to the Undying Land because she loves Aragorn and want to be with him! Eowyn loves Aragorn to, but she ends up married to Faramir! And I don't think that is totally fair to him!
i agree with you on the stupid orc, and about denethor, because he was so obsessed on looking at the palantir to see what was happening, he almost lost his mind, although he was always an idiot with the way he treated faramir.