book vs movie

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book vs movie

Post by x-sam-x »

Having watched the movie before reading the book i believe i would have had a better image of the book, if i read it first as the characters i imagined were of those in the movie. However i believe if i had not seen the movie first i would have thought up different imagers and different thoughts towards the characters.
so has anyone read the book first and have different images to the characters ect.. or like me watch the movie first and believe it has influenced your opinion ? or is there anyone that thinks the characters in the movie were exactly like they had imagined?

i would love to hear your opinion because i know everyones is going to be different with different views.
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Post by LOTRFan997 »

Well, I watched the movies first before i read the books.
To me, I think even though i watched the movies first too..I still image the characters different then in the movies. And a lot of the characters acted different also in the books and movies.
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Post by MastrLOTRELF »

i like them both equally i think although the movies r a little better.
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Post by Ciaya »

I am reading the books now I have seen the first two movies(man I am behind!!!) I don't like Frodo in the movies he's really snappy and not like the Mr. Frodo I know. Gandalf seems meaner in the movies too. It could just be the really dumb actors though. Legolas is cool all together.
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Post by MastrLOTRELF »

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Post by MithrilWarrior »

Ive read the books before the films came out and I think the films still affected the way I imagined the books. If I read the books now I imagine the characters and places like they are in the film, whereas before they were completely different. I think the book is better but really you couldnt have asked for a better adaptation to film than Peter Jacksons
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Post by x-sam-x »

I totally agree with although i didnt read the books before hand i imagine the characters as say orlando bloom as legolas.
Man of the west
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Post by Man of the west »

You have to appreciate the way peter jackson executed the was a monumental undertaking in motion picture history it was and still is one of the most ambitious projects in film to date. it may not have been book correct but if you understand how filming a movie is then you understand why, in the book the events take place over many years peter jackson had to compress those years into a few can see the issue
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Post by Legolas& »

I think the books are better. Peter Jackson has done a amazing jobb with the movies, but the movies come from the book. The books has more "details".
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Post by bigred »

The special effects and the storyline in the movie were amazing...the books tho were so detailed and lifelike in their own way that i think the books were way better...cant wait fer the hobbit movie :D
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Post by matthew479 »

i saw the movies first and then read the books and i thought that both where awesome
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Post by rcbecker1 »

I like both but they are really different versions of the same story.
They changed the characters alot in the movie and left out alot of the filler back ground.
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Post by johnmichel »

Hello all Members..,
I like they both Movie or Books. and I prefer books between Movie and thanks for share with us your post..,
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Role playing x everyone welcome.

Post by Bernardfab »

What if Sauron and Voldemort teamed up to conquer Middle-Earth, and only a group of unlikely heroes could stop them? Would you join the fight as your own unique RP character?
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