"he is just thinking of your future dont worry he will come round and if he doesnt when in my kingdom i will not stop you fighting" he said whispering and with a smile
"what he doesnt know wont hurt him, i know you are a great warriour and it would sadden me to think that such a great fighter wouldnt be there " he said hugging back
" It seems i can't protect you from everything,but you know i would try..." He sighs "You can go.." "Really?!" She asked smiling. "Yes when i was out thinking i tryed to think of what would be good for you.."
canon and anaul came running "so you enjoying it here canon "
"oh yeh but i do miss home a bit "
"yes i know what you mean " legolas said looking up at the sky
"Do you think i would go in there when their talking!?If Aldrain says no she can't go to battle she'll get mad then Aldrain will get mad then it's bad to be in there!!" Anaul said.