"ok i will well bye " legolas and canon walked out the room looking down at the floor.
"lets get our horses, make sure you get finrods he will be needing that back"
"Oh i forgot to give Canon this be right back!" Anaul said ran to the stables . "Canon i forgot to give you this. It's my lucky chain i wear it all the time and i want you to have it." Anaul said looking down.
"ok thanks please visit soon i dont know what am going to do apart" canon said rather sad.they both jumped on there horses.
"look after your sister" legolas said
"yeh i dont want to get on the bad side of your brother legolas and finrod are just as bad i surpose, well good bye " canon said as they rode out.
"there may be some orcs so keep your eyes and ears open" legolas whispered
"Bye.." Anaul said as Legolas and Canon rode out. He went back to Arya and said. "I'm hunger now can we go get something to eat for me?" "Sure, did you give it to Canon?" "Yea i hope Aldrain doesn't look for it"
"legolas i think i can hear something... horses hoofs" looking round legolas spotted nazguls riding towards them, they were just outside oof lorien.
"canon get behind me now"
"get back you fool beasts" legolas shouted
Arya and Anaul were in the Dinner Hall. "I hope there okay.." Anaul said saddly while he was moving his food on the plate with his spoon. "Are you alright Anaul your not eating your food?" Arya asked worried. "Yea i guess i'm just not hunger as i thought i was.."
"what are you doing here get away" legolas shouted riding in frount of canon who had put the necklas round his neck because of his nerves.
"it is no business of yours elf " a dark voice of the six slivered
"you have no right in theses parts go away now "
"neither do you "
"He put the necklas on!" "What are you talking about?!" Arya asked. "Canon put my Necklas on!Something must be wrong!" Anaul said
"How do you know that?" " When dad gave it to me he told me if he died i could feel him if i had it on.. so i gave it to Canon so he could feel his father when he was scared.But Dad also said any one whos wearing it can feel the people who they love."
"you are brave to stand against elf" hissed the voices
"get away this is a elven home" legolas said pulling out his bow and arrow he faced it towards the that was specking.
"yes elfs homes for now" it pulled out a small strange shaped knife that was black tipped
"Come on we have to tell Aldrain some bad happening where They are.." Canon said. "What do you have to tell me?" Aldrain asked while he walked up to them. "You need to send some anchers out where Legolas and Canon now!" "Why?" "Anaul feels something bad is going to happen to them, maybe you should send some just incase.." Arya said. "Ok I 'll go find Haldir and send him and a cuople more anchers"
"while i am alive these homes will not pass with evil spirits you foul beast now go"
"your death is easy to arrange"
"no" canon shouted and rode infront of legolas , there we elves stood near to them. legolas pushed canon and his horse back from the nazgul jut as it reached out its knife to stab canon, it missed canon and got legolas in the chest.
"legolas " canon screamed
"Hurry up something just happened i heard Canon scream.." Anaul said geting Pale. "Haldir just left with a couple of anchers we can't do anything else till they come back.." Aldrain said.