"if you wish but i dont think there would be much point "
"is that legolas bow " mia asked
"yes thats all i found " tiyan said . mia got hold of the bow and closed her eyes "i.. i.. can see him but i dont think hes alive" mia said upset
"hes dead they all are" mia said
"are you sure " canon asked
"well no i just saw the future so i dont know if he is going to die here or is already dead " mia said
"Well i don't care if he is dead or not..I want to go there!!" Anaul shouted.
"Alright..You don't have to shout! Me and Anaul will go..Glaidr can hold three people. Mai or Canon do you want to go?"
"Ok lets go..I'll sit on the back of the saddle and You two are in font of me so I can help you stay on.." She said as Anaul got on first then Canon and then she got on. "Ok Hold on!Glaidr lets go." Arya said. Glaidr flew into the air.
"Glaidr don't go to fast..You may get them even more Scaried." Arya said as she saw Canon and Anaul eyes closed. "Open your eyes..You are missing a amazing view." Glaidr said to both Canon and Anaul. Anaul opened his eyes a little then opened them all the way "Whoa!Canon open your eyes!This is Amazing!" He said looking around.
"I have this feeling..But it fades and then comes back.." Anaul said.
"Were here...I would close your eyes again..Landing can sometimes be very scary.." Arya said. "I want to keep them opened..I think.." Anaul said.