"didnt i mention i dont like dragons " finrod said as he ran away from the dragon. canon ran over and hugged him. legolas got up and walked over
"erm where are we may i just ask" legolas asked
"legolas you brought us here" finrod said "are you feeling ok legolas "
"oh great this is going to be fun " finrod said
"so are we heading back to mirkwood " legolas asked
"no we are going back to lorien legolas " finrod said
"oh good i havent been there in a few years "
"i aint getting on that thing " finrod said "i will ride back with a horse thanks "
"i will come with you " legolas said
"erm no thanks i will take canon, you proberly need get your memory back first before you go riding if you can remember how anyway"
"its ok i will find legolas little herd they come on call " finrod said as he did a low pitched whistle. A few minutes later a horse came galloping over the fields
"see there good, i will have to learn uses how to get them one day incase anything happens and you need a quick exist " finrod said as he leaped on the horse and canon jumped on the back
"Ok..So the three of us are going on Glaidr.." Arya said. "I want to be in the back!" Anaul said. "Are you crazy!?the back is the hardest place to stay on..Your going to be in the middle or front which one?" "Front.." Anaul said sadly