"Please.. oh please don't let it be Landen!" Arya said in her mind to Glaidr. "Okay..Brom is Arya training almost finished?" Aldrain asked. "Yes..she just needs to get her magic stronger.." He said to Him, then Brom turned to Arya. "You may have to fight whoever that Rider is.." "I know.."
"i am sorry" mia said" i think it is the one you wish not to i think this was a trap to get uses away from him so they could convince him to join them "
"can you see what is going to happen " finrod asked
"i have seen our victory and defeat it changes with our choices at the moment its our defeat" mia said
"he has come here to kill the dragon rider , one of you will fall " mia said
"legolas is here "
legolas burst through the door "very very big .. huge dragon " legolas said out of breath "huge "
"Thats Lioln." Glaidr said to everyone.
"I.. I..can't..I've know him since we were little kids....I can't kill him..His one of my Best friends.." She said
"ive galloped all this way for nothing " legolas said still trying to get his breath "mia anida was with them " legolas said
"no " she said shaking her head "no your lieing "
"i am sorry she was"
"Little one...I don't want to but we have to do it.." Glaidr said to Arya. She sighs. "I'll.. do it...But I won't kill him unless I have too..." She said sadly.
"my sister she turned to there side many years ago and killed our mother, she has powers greater than me she has wizard powers that i have not learnt "
"Oh..Thats not good.." Anaul said.
"I'm gonna go sit outside...tell me when were ready.." Arya went and Sit next to Glaidr outside.. "She not feeling good.."Anaul said as she left
"Glaidr...Why did it have to be them.." Arya said looking at the ground. "I don't know little one... Fate as a mind of it's Own..We have to kill them..Even if we both don't want to...Or do you want us to lose the battle?" "No..I guess...I don't know!" "You have to pick soon.." "I know..."
"Can we help her chose to fight Him?" Anaul asked.
"no someone else will decide that fate" mia said
"erm there was to many for us to fight they will be here by tomorrow, they have stormed through mirkwood i had only escaped because of my horse, the woman and children were in there when they trampled through" legolas said getting sad
"there were 30 woman and many children there was a very young child which i managed to rescue her shes in mias room she is only 14 years old i dont know what has happened to the others "