After getting the horses ready he went to tell his men prepare when he heard a horn looking over it was the elves mia had sent someone out for, legolas went and told Aldrain that they were here
"Ok..Were done...Man i can't believe that he really needs all the pieces of Armor!" Malden said as he sat down. "Well believe it cause he does...Well i gotta get ready.." Arya said. "Yea we all do." Malden said.
"greatings " a well dressed elf said as he jumped of his horse. they looked rather like the mirkwood elves. mia ran over and hugged in
"thank you for coming Drina " mia said
"this is a fine place and is worth defeading "
"Hello I'm The King of Lorien.And you are?" Aldrain said.
"Little one..Don't worry about it..We'll do what we have to do..." Glaidr said. "I know But if we Kill Landen..Not only does he die but so does.... Lioln..." She said geting ready. "I know....."
"and i with you, we do not come to my peoples aid as they dont come to ours but as it is Mia we will help with pleasure "
"i have a bad feeling that the banging i can hear is the thunder of feet stomping the ground " mia said listerning
"Hey! you done let?" Lily asked as she walked in Arya's room. "Yes..I was just thinking thats all.." "oh...soo...The elves Mai sent for just got here.." "Good..Lets go find Malden then go to were everyone is.." "Okay."
"mia you arent going to fight your sister are you " Drina said worried
"yes it is the only way " Mia said
"what if it happens again " Drina said
"then i will have to die but will take my sister with we" mia said
"Come on Malden.." Lily said. "Okay..Were going to the others right?" Malden asked. "Yes..lets go.." Arya said. As they walked Malden looked at Arya and asked. "Are you alright Arya?" "No....I'm gonna have to kill Landen and... Lioln..And i don't want to but I have to!!" She said mad. Malden and Lily looked at each other and didn't say anything to Arya.
mia saw arya walk over and saw the anger in her eyes, she walked over and whispered "i will be killing my sister i know how you feel do not worry we will have to do what we must in the end just keep Anaul in your mind when you decide"
"Deagol " legolas said in his elvish lanuage to call his horse it came over and he jumped onto it "i am ready " legolas said
"how will you travel" legolas asked mia
"by magic " mia smiled then all of a sudden her hair turned black and the pupil in her eyes turned black