"mia you ok " legolas said
"yes my sister is here" mia said looking up "mia you will have fight from the start he will be wanting to kill you as soon as he can "
"yes you must be careful killing you will distroy us my sister will be in charge of killing you so i stop her but be careful she is very powerful watch out for lightening and much other things, i will have to kill her dragon if i can "
"dont..w.." mia said but stopped and waved her hand at Arya sending her falling to the floor lightening struck the ground where she had been stood "shes here" mia said as she got angry
mia walked through the gates and saw her sister not far from her
"you wont use your powers " her sister laughed
"wanna bet" mia said as she stuck her hands out and it sent red sparks at her sister
"We can do this little one..." Glaidr said has Landen and Lioln came up in the air. "Arya, You and me are good friends...Do you really want to get rid of that friendship by trying to kill me..When you know you can't?" Landen said with evil smile. "Don't try to confuse me Landen..Cause it won't work!" Arya said geting mad. "Oh..I'm sorry Maybe this will change your mind!" Landen said and Grab his sword and Lioln attack Glaidr...
"mirkwood come on lets go" legolas shouted as he galloped out . mia was blocking her sisters attacks on Glaidr . mia hair was getting darker the more magic she used her eyes were geting deeper and she was trying to stop the lose of control over her magic
Arya couldn't hit Landen much Cause Glaidr and Lioln attacked each other so it was hard to See landen, "I'm going to do a back flip and charge at him." Glaidr said and flew back and then charge at Lioln. "That little Hatchling is no match for me!" Glaidr sent a Huge Flame at them Which Landen blocked. "Glaidr move there So i can get a couple of hits at Landen!" Arya said.Glaidr Push Lioln off him and moved where Arya said. "Okay don't freak out when i do this!" Arya said before she jumped off And hit Landen while Glaidr flew down to catch her.. "Phew..That was fun!" "Don't ever do that again!" Glaidr said as he bited Lioln.[/i]