"whats that " finrod shouted "its... its mia" he said as he ran and saw mia over legolas body
"what have you done " he asked
"am sorry " she whimpered. finrod picked up legolas and carried him out to where everyone was and lay him next to canon
"Little one..We need to go help the others..You did the right thing..." Glaidr said. "Lets..go.." Arya said as she standed up and not wanting to look at Landen's dead body anymore gets on Glaidr. Glaidr flys to where everyone was...
mia remained in the forest and couldnt face seeing everyone.
finrod started pressing on their chests and breathing into legolas and canons mouth tring to get them back, he wasnt get any reaction.
"come on guys you can do it " finrod said as the mirkwood elves looked over as they were fighting
"i dont know" finrod said as he tried to revive canon then he started coughing "yes good boy your ok sit up and catch your breath " finrod said
"legolas isnt getting any pulse " the elve helping said
mia came running over "i am so sorry " she said grabbing and holding legolas as she cried then she lay her hands on his chest and his cloths started to burn
"what the hell are you doing " finrod shouted. then legolas opened his eyes and looked rather scared of her
"i am so sorry " mia siad legolas sat up and dragged himself away from her and next to Arya and starred at the ground
"i am sorry legolas , i.. i couldnt stop myself but i did ask you to shot me if i did do anything" mia said
"i could not bring myself to do it, it is not my choice who dies and who lives" legolas said as canon came over and hugged legolas