"Arya i saw that you would die when you fought Landen...But you didn't!" Anaul said siting next to her. "Well of course! i won't have left you!" Arya said smiling.
mia smiled at her knowing her before advice had helped
"your forgiven" legolas said looking at mia and went and hugged her
"i am soo sorry legolas, your a brother to me i love you " mia said trying not to cry again
legolas horse came over and nudged him in his back. legolas looked round and jumped onto him "i will need to go and see if they were all gone and no more are coming"
"Arya can i go with you to talk with Brom?" Anaul asked.
"I'd love to take you Anaul..But me and Glaidr need to talk with him without anyone else.." She said. "Okay..But you will take me flying with you sometime right?!" Anaul asked. "Yes i will...Come on Glaidr..." they flew off to where Brom was..
Legolas rode off and galloped to the highest hill he could and looked around to see if anything was there, in the far distance he saw figures moving but even with his elven eyes he could still not see them
"Landens dead right..." "Yes...I tried to get him to come over back with us But..." "It's alright Arya, it wasn't your fault the enemy got to him first..." Brom said "I know but...I can't believe i Killed him..." "Arya it's are part as Dragon Riders to make Peace..And when one of are own turn on us we have to do what is right...Landen was Good..But they confuse him into going on their side...I hope you don't think about it much.." Brom said.
"Arya you have a choice to make. either you stay her and don't finish your training.. Or you can come to Ellemeras and Finish your training and becoming a full Dragon rider?I'll give you sometime to think about it.." Brom said and left. "What do you think Glaidr?"
"I Don't care where we go as long as you are happy and safe Little one.."
"I don't know..I'll have to think about it more."
"Aragon " legolas said riding up to him "you have come late we have just battled and fought well and won"
"i have come to discuss matters with you " Aragon said
"that is fine let us ride to Lorien "
"Come on lets go back to where the others are.."She said as she got on Glaidr. "Oh and Glaidr.." "Yes little one?" "Could you let Anaul going flying with us sometime?He really wants to." "Of course!" "Okay." Glaidr flew back.
Legolas rode in with Aragon with him as he looked around at lorien
"we shall have concil later but you must meet everyone first" legolas said as they got of and walked over to everyone.
"I think we need to go back to Ellemera to complete are training..but I'll miss everyone..." "Hmm..I can't say anything..For it's your chose not mine..But i would say that it would be better if we went back to finish are training.." Glaidr said as they landed.