Boromir, born in T.A. 2978, son of Denethor II, Steward of Gondor, is a member of the Fellowship of the Ring. He was named after the 11th Steward of Gondor who repulsed orc’s attack on the Ithilien lands in T.A. 2475.
He always wanted to become a great warrior and, therefore, learned the art of fencing as well as the military theory. At last, Boromir was appointed as the Commander of Gondor. In June 3018 he defeated Sauron’s attack on Osgiliath, which means “Star Citadel” in Numenorean. At that time he had a vision-like dream. To seek the meaning of that dream he set out to Imladris (or Rivendell) and found himself at the Council of Elrond.
The following quotation describes Boromir: “and seated a little apart was a tall man with a fair and noble face, dark-haired and grey-eyed, proud and stern of glance. He was cloaked and booted as if for a journey on horseback; and indeed though his garments were rich, and his cloak was lined with fur, they were stained with long travel. He had a collar of silver in which a single white stone was set; his locks were shorn about his shoulders. On a baldric he wore a great horn tipped with silver that now was laid upon his knees”.
Boromir’s prophetic dream comes true, although up to the last moment he doesn’t believe an oracular poem about a broken sword. Since the Council Boromir becomes very suspicious and skeptical – begins to worry about Gondor’s fate and Steward’s throne especially after Aragorn, a true heir to the throne, appears out of the blue.
It is clear that Boromir was much weaker than Aragorn. Going southwards, the Ring was eating his will away. Every now and then a fixed idea to own the Ring and direct it against the enemy came into his mind. Boromir did not understand that it was not the way to defeat Sauron, the Dark Lord. But instead more trouble might come.
By nature, Boromir is very proud and arrogant. If Aragorn reminds of his origin in a special occasion only, Boromir, a son of Steward of Gondor, not for a single moment forgets about it.
Boromir is undoubtedly very brave. But now and then he is very imprudent. During the Council he keeps on wanting to blow his horn believing that it can scare the enemy away. But not for a second does he think about a watchful eye, which if only called upon would turn in one’s direction.
Boromir constantly feels nervous. The Company often notice that he “bites his nails, murmurs something and looks somewhat strange at Frodo”. Boromir becomes more and more aggressive, he couldn’t help arguing with Aragorn about where to go further. It turns out that the Ring influences him in this way. But why didn’t it happen to other members of the Fellowship? The answer is simple – Evil finds a soft spot in the warrior’s character.
Boromir believes that without Gondor’s might and power, Middle-earth will not survive. He, probably, overestimates the role of his motherland in the war against the enemy. Boromir does not wish to go to Mordor and fears to leave Gondor to the mercy of fate. A common arrogance speaks in him. Borromir finally succumbs to the Ring’s influence and attempts to take it by force.
Foolish accusations directed at Frodo, curses and blind fury – all these become the result of the Ring’s impact on him. But after Frodo becomes invisible (he puts the Ring on) Boromir cries out, dashing away the tears: “What have I said? What have I done? Frodo, Frodo! Come back! A madness took me, but it has passed. Come back!”.
After that Boromir becomes gloomy and distracted. He even tries to justify Frodo’s disappearance. It is there when the Ring Bearer leaves for Mordor without the Company. Thus, Boromir is one of the causes of the Breaking of the Fellowship.
Later Boromir redeems his impulsive act with his blood. He violently fights with forwarding orcs, blows his horn hoping the others will come to his rescue … but all in vain. Boromir dies heroically. Aragorn finds him “sitting with his back to a great tree, as if he was resting. But Aragorn saw that he was pierced with many black-feathered arrows; his sword was still in his hand, but it was broken near the hilt; his horn cloven in two was at his side. Many Orcs lay slain, piled all about him and at his feet.”
“Farewell, Aragorn! Go to Minas Tirith and save my people! I have failed.” – were his last words. It proves that at the end of his life he admits his weakness and many mistakes.
Boromir was buried in T.A. 3019 according to an old custom – in a boat with armour and his sword. The dirge was his last farewell and the Great Anduin took him into its waters.