Bombur is one of the thirteen dwarves who participated in the journey, and Tolkien describes him as fat, foolish and slow.
Bombur’s lineage remains a mystery. He counted Bofur as his brother and Bifur as his cousin. Though of Durin’s Folk, the dwarf did not share their noble ancestry, instead descending from the Dwarves of Khazad-dûm. Neither the day nor year of his birth are recorded, though it occurred sometime between TA 2763 and TA 2859.
After Thorin’s capture, Balin held the distinction of being the eldest dwarf remaining. Considering Fíli’s birth in 2859 and Balin’s in 2763, Bombur was approximately 150 years old when he joined the quest. Before embarking, Bombur likely lived with Thorin in the Blue Mountains following the disappearance of Thráin II.
The dwarf often made mistakes and caused problems during the quest. He fell into the waters of the Enchanted River and then fell asleep, so the other dwarves had to carry him through Mirkwood.
Bombur tumbled and fell on Thorin, arrived at Beorn’s house earlier than he ought to, and was the first one the giant spiders tried to eat. At the Lonely Mountain, Bombur refused to climb to the top of the hill to find the secret door and stayed behind until Smaug appeared. Then the other dwarves pulled him up by a cord and hid with him in the passage.
Bombur slept at almost every crucial moment in “The Hobbit”. He also slept when Bilbo opened his cask at Esgaroth and when Bilbo found the secret entrance to Erebor.
After the Battle of Five Armies, Bombur stayed alive and remained at the mountain. Many years later, in 3018, when Frodo Baggins asked about the dwarf, he found out that Bombur had grown so fat that he could not even move.