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by LOTRFan997
Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:16 pm
Forum: Lord of the Rings Fantasy World Forum
Topic: role playing x everyone welcome
Replies: 3489
Views: 2214368

Are we going to continue this roleplay anymore or no?

Oh and Sam, I lost the link to your website.. could you send it to me?
by LOTRFan997
Sat Apr 10, 2010 4:24 pm
Forum: Lord of the Rings Fantasy World Forum
Topic: role playing x everyone welcome
Replies: 3489
Views: 2214368

Arya nodded and went to her side looking through the dark tunnels.
by LOTRFan997
Sat Apr 10, 2010 4:05 pm
Forum: Lord of the Rings Fantasy World Forum
Topic: role playing x everyone welcome
Replies: 3489
Views: 2214368

"I'm not I'll take watch too, you can watch one side and I will watch the other. " Arya said.
by LOTRFan997
Tue Mar 30, 2010 3:40 pm
Forum: Lord of the Rings Fantasy World Forum
Topic: role playing x everyone welcome
Replies: 3489
Views: 2214368

"Are you alright there Sam?" Arya asked with a hint of a smile.
by LOTRFan997
Tue Mar 30, 2010 3:31 pm
Forum: Lord of the Rings Fantasy World Forum
Topic: role playing x everyone welcome
Replies: 3489
Views: 2214368

"Yes, I do know some magic.." Arya said for the first time since Bartolomeo came.

(lol I'm back. sorry I've been really busy lately.)
by LOTRFan997
Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:29 pm
Forum: Lord of the Rings Fantasy World Forum
Topic: role playing x everyone welcome
Replies: 3489
Views: 2214368

Okay sure.

Anaul faced became pale. "You could say that again..But We can't panic now." He said
by LOTRFan997
Mon Nov 23, 2009 9:19 pm
Forum: Lord of the Rings Fantasy World Forum
Topic: role playing x everyone welcome
Replies: 3489
Views: 2214368

(yea sorry but we have to go out to see some friends right now bye)
by LOTRFan997
Mon Nov 23, 2009 9:16 pm
Forum: Lord of the Rings Fantasy World Forum
Topic: role playing x everyone welcome
Replies: 3489
Views: 2214368

(sorry but i gotta go. i'll be on tomorrow.)
by LOTRFan997
Mon Nov 23, 2009 8:58 pm
Forum: Lord of the Rings Fantasy World Forum
Topic: role playing x everyone welcome
Replies: 3489
Views: 2214368

(lol yup. oh i wont be on until Friday lol not thursday i'll still be with my family.)

"Lorien had some songs about this place also.." Arya said as the were walking .
by LOTRFan997
Mon Nov 23, 2009 8:55 pm
Forum: General Lord of the Rings Forum
Topic: book vs movie
Replies: 13
Views: 73151

Well, I watched the movies first before i read the books.
To me, I think even though i watched the movies first too..I still image the characters different then in the movies. And a lot of the characters acted different also in the books and movies.
by LOTRFan997
Mon Nov 23, 2009 8:49 pm
Forum: Lord of the Rings Fantasy World Forum
Topic: role playing x everyone welcome
Replies: 3489
Views: 2214368

( i wont be on wednesday cause u know Thanksgiving is on thursday and i'm going to my family's house.)

Arya smiled at Arod and pated him and waited for Legolas to lead the way.
by LOTRFan997
Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:51 pm
Forum: Lord of the Rings Fantasy World Forum
Topic: role playing x everyone welcome
Replies: 3489
Views: 2214368

( I'm sooo sorry! everytime i was thinking of geting on i had something else to do. :oops: )

Arya looked at the Three paths, and then pointed at the right. "I think we should go right."
by LOTRFan997
Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:21 pm
Forum: General Lord of the Rings Forum
Replies: 22
Views: 148060

Thats my favorite battle of all.. i love it when the elves come their just soo..awesome. oh and legolas is awesome. i love that part when he goes down the stairs on the shield and shot at least four or five orcs. but i do like the battle in return of the king at Gondor. (wow it's been months since i...
by LOTRFan997
Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:01 pm
Forum: Lord of the Rings Fantasy World Forum
Topic: role playing x everyone welcome
Replies: 3489
Views: 2214368

"Yea he is right it'll be easier and faster incase some goes wrong." Arya said.

(gtg i'll be on tomorrow but i wont be on saturday or sunday)
by LOTRFan997
Thu Nov 05, 2009 9:58 pm
Forum: Lord of the Rings Fantasy World Forum
Topic: role playing x everyone welcome
Replies: 3489
Views: 2214368

"Coming" Anaul said and went over to Aragon and the others.