role playing x everyone welcome

Here you can come with tips to Lord of the Rings Fantasy World (any questions, suggestions are welcome)

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Post by x-sam-x »

"your getting better " she smiled "now this blade was broke when he killed something but what think relax "
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Post by LOTRFan997 »

"Well..Arya lets go see the Queen..She'll be happy your here.." Brom said. "Ok" Arya said has they got off the horses. "Landen take the Horses to the Stables and meet up with us at My place alright?" "Alright sir." Landen said. "Come Arya.." Brom said. "See ya later Arya!" "Ok see ya!" Arya smiled at Landen.
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Post by x-sam-x »

"now in battle you will be show no mercey kill as best you can your senses must be very alert.." finrod shouted at the young elves

legolas walked into his room to see a a female elf sat on his bed
"hello legolas " she smiled
"tiyan hello" legolas said as he ran and hugged her

(got to go )
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Post by LOTRFan997 »

After they talk to the Queen who was very happy to see Arya they went to Brom's House. "Now Arya would you Like some food?" Brom asked. "Um yes please." Arya said . "Ok Landen tell her what she missed since she been gone. " As Brom went into the other room and made food. "Well...You did miss a lot a stuff..Lioln just grow to he last stage." Landen said. "Really!?Thats great!" Arya said. "Yea..well..Um..You look even more Beautiful than last time!" Landen said Smiling. She blushed "You always knew how to make me Blush!" She said smiling too.
"Yea..well I've missed you.. a lot.." "Me to!" Brom came back and gave her some food."Now tell me what you've been doing?" Brom sat down and Him and Landen listened to what she told them.

(Ok bye)
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Post by LOTRFan997 »

"Hmm...Do you still have it?" Brom questioned. She nods and hands it to him. "Ah..Vakna...You haven't used it?" Brom said. "No..we didn't want the enemy to know about Glaidr.." She looked at Glaidr as he slept. He nods. "Ok well...Do you still train?" "Of course.." "Ok well..Now tell me what you have been longing to ask me?" "Well many things but first...Why Vakna?Couldn't Rhunon make a new one?" "Arya...You know Rhunon vowed she'd never make them again in The Ancient Language..." Brom said.. "Now i'll start talking....I know you want me to come back with you..And i will but only to finish your training..." Brom said in a soft tone which he never does. "Thank you..." She smiled. "We'll leave tomorrow..for we need to get their fast.." Brom said standing up. "Well I bet your sleeply so Your room is your old one." "Ok ...And Thank you Brom-Vodhr..." Arya went to her room and fell asleep."
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Post by x-sam-x »

Legolas and Tiyan sat talking as finrod came in.
"oh gosh Tiyan what are you doing here" finrod said running over and hugging her
"theres battle near i have brought my 30 strong elven men with me to come and help you, they will move at legolas aid they are in the woods"
"oh ok " finrod said smiling "they will be needed in lorien we leave in a hour the men are nearly ready to go"
"my men are always ready " Tiyan smiled
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Post by LOTRFan997 »

"Arya little one Brom wants you awake!" Glaidr yelled in her mind "Ok..I'm up..tell him I'll pack in a little bit..." She said still sleeply. "Hmm...Alright..BUT GET OUT OF YOUR BED!!" He shouted the last part making her jump out of her bed. "Why the Heck did you do that for?!!" She said mad. "Haha..To wake you up.." Arya blocked her mind and started packing.
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Post by x-sam-x »

"the others will be very pleased to see your men the storys of them are legendary " legolas smiled
"why because we are travellers " she smiled
"that and many other things "

"well that will do for today" mai said to Anaul then closed her eyes then awoked "ah tiyans men will have arrived in mirkwood and will ttravel here to be commanded by legolas " mai said to Anaul

(sorry been to vets with horse so couldnt get on )
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Post by LOTRFan997 »

"Ok..Who's Tiyan?" He asked sleepy from all the work.

(It's okay. i've been busy too taking care of a baby of my best friends lil brother.)
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Post by x-sam-x »

"she is the leader of the travellers, there evles that live no where but travel by horse many miles all the time, there armys are only of 30 men but they can kill the same amount as a lorien army of 2000"
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Post by LOTRFan997 »

"Cool!I'm gonna go find One of my other friends and play with them.." Anaul said.

"Sorry Brom..." Arya said eating her food fast. "It's alright..Oh and before we go i want to see how good you are with a Dragon Rider Blade!" Brom said with a grin. "Ok..Will i be doing it with you or Landen?" "Landen..He needs the work with his Blade too." Brom said "Ok..I'll go get it." Arya went into her room and grab Vakna. "Oh and we will also see how good you are with The Ancient Language.." "Is this a lession?" She asked smiling knowing it was. "Maybe..Maybe not!" Brom said.
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Post by x-sam-x »

"right we are ready and theres some strange elves in the woods" canon said walking in the room "TIYAN" after he saw her on end of legolas bed.
"hello again canon now lets go " she said as they headed down to the stables. they climbed on there horses while tiyan went to get her men from the forest.
"we will go in a group of 4 legolas shouted as they all gathered i will lead one, finrod another , tiyan can lead her lot and canon can take a small group as well" legolas shouted as all the men gathered
"me " canon said in shock
"him hes only a boy " one elf said
"that boy is in command and he will do as hes pleases and i think you should fall in order before i send you off with all the woman and tell them your to weak " legolas
"ok am sorry sir sorry canon "
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Post by LOTRFan997 »

"Ok Arya write all the Healing words." Brom said smoking on his pipe. Arya starts writing them Hour later Brom says. "Ok were done now come with me.." Arya follow him outside and saw Landen with his Dragon Lioln. "Now you and Landen will fight While i watch both of you..Alright?" Brom said siting down. They both noded. Arya got Vakna, and Landen did the same with his Sword and They began...
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Post by x-sam-x »

"lets go we will set of seperate we do not stop until we get there we should arrive there at dawn " legolas said
They all set of in all different directions legolas took his biggest group the longest way to let the others get there first.

Mai went to sleep waiting for them to arrive but couldnt sleep, it was time for food but as she was the only woman there she went to the kitchen and began making the food for the king and his men
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Post by LOTRFan997 »

"Hey Mai need some help?" Anaul asked running over.

"Need a break?" Landen said as their Blades meet. "Not a chance!!" Arya said grinning and slashed at him. "Whoa!Your good!" He said as he lost his balance,he got back up and Striked her side but she blocked and Their Blades meet again..they both were Equal and they couldn't beat each other. "Ok you two can stop now..Very good..Both of you did an amazing job!" Brom said standing up.. "Yea..Your really good...Your way better than last time!" Landen said breathing in and out . "Same for you..I didn't know you were that strong!" She said siting down under the tree taking a Drink..
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