Legolas galloped back to lorien and saw canon and anaul at the gates,
"get them opened now " legolas shouted
"oh gosh its arya anaul you were right " canon said
"an orc shoot her with a poisoned arrow i muct get it out come here help me " legolas said remaining calm.
"when i pull it out push down hard on the wound and dont let any blood out"
"right theres some poison got into here blood, it needs to be sucked out at spat straight out if swallowed it will the drink straight away, on the count of three remove your hands and i will withdraw the poison"
"1..2..3.. " Aldrain took his hands of and legolas withdrew the poison and spat most of it out.
he put a elvish cloth from his pocket and putit over the wound to stop the bleeding .
"she should be ok"
"it should take to long most wake up straight away"
"how come you know how to do that " canon asked
"well me and finrod got injured alot so we had to learn basic skills hes learnt me a lot over the years though"
"Well i hope she wakes up soon cause i need to ask her something.." Anaul said. "What are you going to ask her?" Aldrain asked. "Nothing just i forgot where i was born thats all.." "You know you could ask me instead right?!" "Oh you know?!"
"well as long as it does not involve shouting because she is very weak at the moment "
legolas put his hand on her head as so she was stirring
"i think she may be waking"
Arya opened her eyes "What the heck happened?!" She said while she sat up.. "I'm glad your awake i wanted to ask you something." Anaul said. "What is it?" Arya said. "Where was i born?" "In your faverite spot,you didn't know that?!" "No..thanks..Oh and i'm happy your okay."