"Stay calm?! How can i when my sister could've died from the posioned arrow!" "Aldrain i fine now." Arya said trying to calm him down. "Yes but mom and dad said i have to protect you two.. and i can't do that when you go fighting..I don't want you to go to wars anymore." He said and Walked out..
"well you see you have a family i dont the only person i have is me but that doesnt matter everyone matters to me, i have a resonsibility to them, she just wants to make you proud. ive been shot by an arrow before and just saved by finrod"
"When we were kids she copied me all the time, she tryed to be better than me too...I promised my father I would make sure nothing would happen to her and i'm going to keep that promise.. i'm not going to let her go to battle anymore..I know she loves fighting but i just can't let her get hurt again."
"of course thats your choice but all i know is that i would rather die in battle than die wishing i was there " legolas said. "i think you should go tell her than"