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Here you can come with tips to Lord of the Rings Fantasy World (any questions, suggestions are welcome)

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Post by x-sam-x »

"i think we must arrange a council meeting for sometime tonight or tomorrow " legolas said walking over to aryas brothers

mai walked over to arya "i can see you have many confused thoughts about many things " she said looking at her with caring eyes "i am always available to talk if you need me"
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Post by LOTRFan997 »

"Thank you I would like that very much." Arya said

"Ok Should i Go ride out and get Lord Elrond and the other ones?" Caladriel asked Legolas.
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Post by x-sam-x »

"yes i think thats a good idea " legolas said
"i will go as well if you wish just in case" finrod said walking over

"many things will come unravelled in time and i think you should not hold your feeling in it causes to much worry " mai said looking at arya with interest

(will have to go to sleep night )
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Post by LOTRFan997 »

"Ok me and Finrod will go tonight if thats all right with you?" Caladriel said.

"I'll remember that.." Arya said.

(Kay night)
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Post by x-sam-x »

"yes that is much safer to travel in pairs " legolas said

mai smiled and placed a hand on arys shoulder starred at her then walked otuside where she stood looking around next to a tree
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Post by LOTRFan997 »

"There you are Malden and Lily!Arya wants to see you guys sometime, And Aldrain wants you Malden to come watch us at my Faverite spot." Anaul said as they ran up to them. "Ok I'll go see Arya and You can go with them and come meet up with us later." Lily said to Malden. "Alright Tell Arya hello for me will ya."Malden said while he got up from sitting down next to the tree. "Ok Anaul I haven't seen you in a while Whos this?" "Oh this is Canon, Canon this is my Sister's two best friends Lily and Malden." Lily went to go find Arya while Malden took Anaul and Canon to Anaul's faverite spot...
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Post by x-sam-x »

Caladriel and Finrod rode of to find the rest of the council for the meeting. Legolas went for a walk with mai they walked in the forsest and found a silver rock where they sat to talk,
"so hows everything been lately" mai asked
"why ask you properly know " legolas laughed
"no i dont thats why i ask your blocking yor feelings from me i cant tell anything"
"oh sorry am just really confused at the moment"
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Post by LOTRFan997 »

"There you are!I was looking for you everywere." Arya's best friend said walking in her room. "Lily!I didn't think i would see you so soon." She said hugging her. "Well i would have nothing to do cause Malden with Anaul and his friend Canon." Lily hugging her back.Lily sat down next to her and they started talking..

"Hurry up Malden!" Anaul said. "I'm coming.." "Ok but hurry up will ya?We're almost there!" "Okay Anaul." Malden said.
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Post by x-sam-x »

"so your king now "
"yes and i havent taken kindly to it "
"yes a..." mai closed her eyes and was breathing rough, she was having a vision and legolas was used to it so grabbed hold of her waist to stone her falling of the rock,after ten minutes she opened her eyes
"Dark mines there creating and drawing new creatures there, many things that shouldnt ever be looked apon, there going to march a big army here to take over here and us the magic of this place to do as there bidding. someone here is hidding something or someone from them"
"is that all you saw "
"many other things that i can not face to talk about"
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Post by LOTRFan997 »

"So how are you?Me and Malden missed you so much!" Lily said. "I'm fine..Oh did you know Caladriel's back?" Arya said smiling at her. "No i didn't know...Did he say anything about me?" Lily asked blushing. "Yea he said your the most beautiful girl he's ever met and he missed you." She said smiling. "You little lier!Did he really say that?" "Yes he did!And your calling me the Lier!?You just acted like you didn't care of what he said but your still blushing!" She said and threw a pillow at her friend.
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Post by x-sam-x »

"there hiding someone here i can feel it someone here knows or has some kind of dangerous power that will ruin or damage then " mai said
"so what are you saying " legolas said
"these elves have been lieing it us in someway " mai said
"i dont believe that they would but hmm i will have to talk to them ..anyway how is you and finrod going " legolas said after a long pause
"and what do you mean by that" mai said looking away
"well uses were an item when you were last in mirkwood " legolas replied
"yes and what about you and your love life then " mai answered
"dont change the subject " legolas laughed
"me its you not wanting to talk about it, you know i can read your mind" mai she said laughing
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Post by LOTRFan997 »

"Were here!" Anaul shouted. "What do you think Canon?" Malden asked. "Wow it's amazing!" "Yup this is where i was born and my dad asked my mom to marry him right here." Anaul said. "Yes now you guys play for a little while i sit over here.." Malden said sitting next to a tree. "What?! come on Malden you played with me last time i was here!" Anaul said putting on his sad face. "Oh don't try it mister, It doesn't work on me anymore.And besides you have Canon to hang with." Malden said laughing at him. "Yea but Canon wants to see what we did with that one game!" "Well your going to have to teach him while i watch right here!" "Fine..Ok so this is how the game goes.."

"Your so mean!!" Lily said catching the pillow and throwing it back at her. "Ha ha, Hey I'm just saying the truth! You like Caladriel." Arya threw it back at her. "So.. i bet you like someone!" "Hey I'm not saying its a bad thing you like my brother!I'm just saying.." Arya said smiling at Lily and laughing at how they were acting.
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Post by x-sam-x »

"you men are very confusing with your feelings you don tlike to admit anything do you " mai said smiling
"well why should i when you already know who " legolas said with a grin
"soo are you going to talk to finrod for me "
"ok sure "
"and i will talk to someone for you "
"dont you dare" legolas said pushing her of the rock
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Post by LOTRFan997 »

After they stoped laughing and throwing pillows at each other They sat down on the bed. "Soo... Uh.. do you think i should talk to.. well.. nevermind.." Lily said blushing again. "What!?" "Nothing.." "Come on!Tell me i'm your best friend aren't I?!" Arya asked. "Alright you win..."Lily said with a smile "I always do?!" Arya said smiling back at her. "Ok well..Do you think i should go talk to Caladriel?" "Of course!!He likes you back so why not!" She said. "Well .. Ok.." "What's wrong?" "Well..I'm just afaid too.." "Well i have an Idea!" She said grinning. "You do?!" She nods. "Ok me and Malden will help you!Ok but i can't tell you the rest.. Cause i still have to ask Malden." "Your the best!" Lily said hugging her. "Hey what are Best friends for?!"
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Post by x-sam-x »

"i think its time that me and finrod tell cannon the truth"
"your sure" legolas asked getting nervous
"yes i will go now and tell him while finrods gone" mai said getting up
"good luck thanks i will need it"
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