mai nodded to the dragon, legolas sprang up to the branch of a tree and climbed up "he guys theres a platform up here for us to sleep and it will be great cover from the enermy and its huge your dragon can get in as well"
"ok cant he go invisible i know some dragons can do that "
"or dig a hole like a hobbit " finrod laughed "legolas your the one that wanted a 5 ton dragon to sleep on a slab of wood " finrod laughed
She stop crying and started laughing. "He's right..Ha ha.. Glaidr has to leave but he'll come back in time for what will happen... I can't change his mind, so you'll have to deal with him."
"well least i made arya laugh"
"i think she was laughing at you" finrod laughed
"oh well" legolas said
"oh does this mean this starnage.. i mean dragon wont be sleeping with us " finrod said more cheerful
"you should respect him he could change everything "
finrod was still rather nervous around the dragon
"calm down man " legolas said jumping down from the tree "so what kind of things can he do? breath fire ect.."
"you have many powers beyond your knowledge yet " mai said starring at the dragon
"mai you need to stop that creepy starring thing " legolas said looking at her
"i can not help it . it is the way i see things "