"well soon you wont be left out of anything even if those around you dont wish for you to know" mai whispered then stood up.
"well i will go change out of Aryas clothes than get prepared for a power training lesson" she said looking at Anaul
mai walked of and got changed before returning with some small grey pebels and walked into the hall
"oh god" legolas and finrod said together looking round at each other
"whats them for " canon asked
"shh " finrod said putting a hand on canons mouth "dont bother asking "
She sat down near the River and whispered. "Draumr Kopa" she saw a image of Brom. "Ah!Arya what took you so long?I've been waiting for you for two weeks.." Brom said meanly as he always did. "Sorry..I didn't know you were waitting for me that long.." She said smiling. "Were almost there..One more Day of flying and will be there by Tomorrow night." "Hmm alright..We have much to talk about.." Arya bows her head. "I know." "Now i must go..I have to work with Landen..untill we see each other again.. " Brom said as she stoped the Spell. "Ok lets rest for tonight.." She said to Glaidr.
They walked into the woods and found a clear spot where they sat on the grass.
"now relax clear your mind and close your eyes and see if you can read what i am thinking "