Finrod finally arrived in lorien with his part of the army he was not long after followed by canon
"wow that was amazing " canon said as he jumped of and went over to talk with everyone
Legolas was walking them through when loads of goblins came rushing down towards them they had a very big troll with them as well.
"goblins killing them leave the troll to me "
"Oh Arya is going to be back in Two days!" Anaul said trying to change the subject.
"I'm sick of siting!" Arya said out loud and in her mind. "Ah..Me to I love flying but not this long!" Brom replied. "You two-legs are So picky!" Glaidr said to both of them...
The elves started to shoot at the orcs, they werent to keen on the goblins as they were such slippery creatures and so devious. legolas climbed on to the Troll and tightened the chain round its neck whick an goblin had used
"Hmm.." "What is it?" Arya asked Brom. "Well we may get there in the middle of the night..If we don't take anymore rests.. If thats ok with you Glaidr?" "If we can get ithere in the middle of the night..And it means less flying for me..I'll do it.." "Ok.." "Hold on!I'll be flying fast.."
"hello mai " finrod said as he ran and hugged her
"hi there " mai said
"well i think everyone needs to get some rest finrod siad looking around "
they went to bed as they had all had a very long day and mai went to as she hadnt had much rest recently
"Are you sure you can do this Glaidr?I mean you only had two days to rest.." Arya said as Glaidr flew through the night. "Arya..I'm a Dragon!And Dragons do not stop for anything just because their a little sore or sleeply!" "Alright..I just want you to be Ok.."
Legolas killed the troll and most of the goblins were dead when he had finished,
"i think we shall rest here again tonight and then get to lorien tomorrow " legolas said as they sat down to sleep
"Were almost there...I can see it...One or Two hours more.." Glaidr said weakly. "Are you alright?" Arya put her hand on his back. "Yes..When we get there i think i could sleep there for days.."
Legolas was uneasy and felt cuts on his face but couldnt see them because of the darkness, he feel asleep after a few hours of watching but another elf came over and took over the watch to relieve the king