Tom Bombadil?

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Tom Bombadil?

Post by elfchild »

Tom Bombadil is obviously a unique character one that i often find myself thinking about. On the topic of Bombadil Tolkien admits "an explanation actually exists" which got me thinking further.
Is it possible Bombadils character plays the role of mother nature "Master of wood, water and hill" as he also witnessed "the first raindrop and the first acorn"
is it plausible he could be the manifested form of nature?
I believe it was also said that unless the power is that of the earth it would not effect him. Is it possible that because Bombadil plays the part of nature he can garner the power that comes from natural elements and in turn things crafted by man have no effect on him or no pull, maybe that is an explanation of why he is able to manipulate the ring.
just a thought but id love to hear what you think-
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Re: Tom Bombadil?

Post by Godon »

elfchild wrote: it plausible he could be the manifested form of nature?
Yes, or the manifested son of God.
There is a resemblance here to what the Bible says about Melchisedec in the letter of Hebrews chapter 7 verse 3 :"Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God"
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The Role of Tom Bombadil: A Hidden Villain or a Misunderstood Hero?

Post by DanielImict »

Could Tom Bombadil, a whimsical and enigmatic character in Middle-Earth, actually be an overlooked antagonist manipulating events behind the scenes, or is he simply a misunderstood and benign figure within the Lord of the Rings narrative? Explore the various theories and evidence surrounding Bombadil's true nature and intentions.
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Re: Tom Bombadil?

Post by mazzly »

Thinking of Tom Bombadil as nature itself in Tolkien's world is a cool idea. He's like the boss of the woods and rivers, and even saw the first raindrop and acorn. So, yeah, it makes sense he'd be nature in person.

Since he's not bothered by the One Ring, it's like he's above all that man-made power struggle stuff. Being part of nature, he's got his own kind of strength that doesn't care about what people do.

It's a neat way to see him, showing how Tolkien threw in some love for the natural world into his stories.
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